
Made with Horse Sense
Our Story
How We Started
EquiProducts is a division of a Texas corporation called Perfect World Luggage, Inc. and based in San Antonio. Originally started in 1993 under the name EquiProducts, Inc., the entire product line was invented and developed by a professional horse trainer for use in the equestrian world. The name, EquiProducts and the trademark, "Made With Horse Sense" told the world who we were at the time.After the products were discovered by the military at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, it made sense to broaden the company name and appeal. When brainstorming about the features that would be nice to have available with our systems, the phrase, "In a perfect world, my product would do _____" kept coming up.Perfect World Luggage was born.
Who Is EquiProducts—Made With Horse Sense?
While developed for the horse industry and other animal industries, the biggest user of our products is the United States Military. Our products are used for organizing, transporting and storing medical supplies for field hospitals and field surgical units all over the world. We are also used, world-wide, by First Responders and Mass Casualty Responders.
Our products have been at, and played key roles in the response to, 9/11, the Gulf War(s), Hurricane Katrina, the Presidential Inauguration and, most recently, the crisis in Haiti.
We are also used by Royal Caribbean Cruises and many other well-known companies that need to organize, store and inventory multiple levels of supplies.
Perfect World Luggage is a woman-owned business and most of the time you will reach the CEO, Rachel Sapyta, when you call in or send us an email. That would be me. I am still completely involved with every aspect of the business, and I am genuinely concerned with all questions, compliments and complaints. If you need anything, simply call us, toll free: 1-877-487-4677
Or feel free to drop us an email at: EquiPro@usa.net

With over 11 linear feet of pull-off pockets and other organizing solutions that easily folds into pack less than 3 ft tall, there's more room that you could have ever imagined.

Stor-Mor BP is the largest organized solution for packing in supplies.

When opened, all panels are designed to detach from each other and lay flat or hang vertically, creating a visual display of all supplies.
EquiPro@usa.net | 877-487-4677